Manual Handling

Carebase is an expert supplier of systems to lift, move and position people in a wide range of different environments with over 15 years of experience. Carebase has developed a high quality range of lifting and moving solutions which includes overhead track, mobile hoists and a wide selection of slings and accessories. By assessing carefully the needs of each situation Carebase is able to tailor a solution to meet specific needs and to provide the necessary training and support.

Roomer cassette

Overhead systems

Overhead lifts offer a comfortable and safe transfer for both patient and caregiver.  Our lifts can easily be moved and we also provide a unique room-to-room solution for smooth transfer between different rooms or rail systems. The cassettes offer the most effective method for transfers.

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Mobile Hoists

Mobile hoists offer a high degree of flexibility and safety. Carebase supply a range of models that address different client needs and an extensive range of slings to ensure the best possible lifting combination. We also offer service and support and LOLER testing.

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We offer a broad range of lifting slings. All slings are anatomically designed, with the paramount consideration being the safety and comfort of the patient. Most of our slings can be attached to the lift using 2, 3 or 4 suspension points. We can also supply customised versions for particular needs.

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We also supply a range of accessories including other manual handling items, scales and products designed to make the use of overhead systems and hoists easier.

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